- Introducing the all new Tonto ML150 Euro 4x4 people mover. TheTonto ML150 is built on the standard Iveco 280HP front engine chassisand without any chassis extension is a 32 seater including driver.It is available as a 32 seater up to a 44 seater with a chassis stretch/extension. It is also available in a 2x4 or motor home configuration.
- The Tonto ML150 comes in manual transmission only and has frontand rear diff locks, super single or dual rear tyre options available.
- Leather/Vinyl APM seats are standard, along with reverse camera,Coach-air Air-conditioning, flat side glass, 4 hopper side windows,curtains, bullbar and electric side step.
- You can customize options for any configuration on a per order basis(not from our stock buses).
- These vehicles have been designed for the world market and areavailable as LH drive, RH drive, Euro 3 and Euro 5. We build this modelin our factory located in Malaysia using only the best products in thisbuild. We export direct to you from there. Special build allow 4 monthshowever we have a stock bus in build at all times so this will bring yourwait time down .
- We can also build on the larger chassis with seating from 38 passengeron standard length chassis, up to 60 passenger on a modified chassis.This option will give you 4×4 or 6×6 in manual / auto, 300 to 450 HPEuro 3 or Euro 5.